The use button made my battle with the blue dress cat girl much easier, plus the new black slime girl that hides in the dresser is dope, actually caught me by surprise. Also I would love to see more scenes like the bedroom one where you get caught by the (I'm assuming) aphrodisiac smoke.
This is amazing, keep up the good work! a couple more major updates and this can be better than FOBS!
Wow, that's the biggest compliment I've ever heard! Thank you! I'm planning another smoke scene as well later in the game :) I'm glad you liked it so far!
as of the Mac version, whenever i try to open it states "you do not have permission to open application "mac"." do i have to be a patreon supported to access the game? If not, is there a way to bypass this?
Nono, it's not because of that! This is apple's new update probably. Sadly, I have no idea how to solve this, especially, because I don't have a mac (and never will). All I can suggest is try googleing this problem and you might find a solution for it. About 17:21. Had to use a stop watch for it. Probably could've beaten my 16:31 but I was sloppy and messed up on the two bosses lol. Btw I'd like to thank you. Been a while since I enjoyed speedrunning a game.
Lol, good job man. Never thought ppl would actually try to speedrun the game. It's hard to compete though as long as there are two separate versions. For 1.1.4 the fastest I've seen is 17:42.
For PC Version 1.1.1, on the Clocks puzzle there seems to be a stalemate of sorts. No doors will open besides the top left where you get the key. The doors show a wrench icon (uploaded a couple images). Am I missing something ?
This game is awesome, but for Android it's a little hard to interact with things, mainly entering doors in a panic. Will you add an interact or maybe enter door button in later editions?
Man i can't run away like the Android controls don't work like the pc version is to press "v" to "give up" i can only decrease the red bar but i can't escape
I don't get it. I'm immediately caught by the first enemy. Can't hide. Can't break free. Can't do a damn thing. Pressing space does nothing. The game needs to do a better job on instructing the player of WTF to do.
Edit: My bad on skimming past the FAQ. Though if getting past the first enemy is a Frequently Asked Question, there might be room for tweaking some things. My thought is that it's not great to explain various mechanics but then put the player up against a first enemy who is completely resistant to those mechanics. Without changing much, maybe just adding the text "Run!" a moment before that enemy shows up would reinforce the intent there.
I really have no idea why people just not try to run after hiding doesn't work. IMO and I really don't mean to be rude or anything, but I think people who get stuck here are just not even trying to get through. I think they just try the same thing over and over again and then just give up because that obviously doesn't work. And by your reasoning, there are much more people who get through this part than those, who do not. I understand what you are saying, but this part is there to show the player that they are just prey and they should always try to run if they can. And no, I don't agree that if something is frequently asked then it must be changed.
i found the issue. for whatever reason, trying to download drain mansion on windows in the app flat out doesn't work. you have to go to the website, download it there, extract, and then it has the executable in it.
Hey there! I really enjoyed the game, but I just wanted to ask about if the performance issues will be or have been fixed for the public builds. I'm running the game on Android on a Samsung Note 9, and within 20 minutes, my FPS drops to 20, my battery is drained, and my phone is unbearably hot. Thanks again for the experience though! Good work.
That's strange, I have tried this game on weaker phones than yours and it was fine. Yeah in 1.1.2 I made some android specific optimizations and in 1.1.3 I made a low-performance mode, that turns off 2D lights, particle effects, and post-processing on the camera.
What phone you have? Mine is high end and it has no problems with it. Also, Patreon version has a low-performance mode which helps with that but ofc it turns off effects.
Sorry I thought it's high end but my phone is an upper-mid ranged performance which is oppo reno3 pro with a Helio P95 processor and 8gb of RAM. I'll consider joining your patreon <3
Oh Thx, I didn't notice that the second rope triggerred the pressure plate and was very confused for a moent. Thx for the help, and i really enjoy the game, waiting for the new updates
First, make sure you are using the latest (V1.1) version. Then the third tablet will be behind the third door from the left where the red succubus is imprisoned. Each door there has 1 tablet.
BRUH i cant figure out the middle doors final trap room after the rope chase can someone tell me how to get the tablet and get out without getting trapped
I'm having a problem with the controls, I can't interact with anything (ex. Doors) I even tried the gallery and nothing seems to work, I'm using android btw.
Tengo un problema y es que es complicado usar el botón de escape ya que es el mismo del joystick, esto hace que no me pueda pasar el primer nivel ( versión Android)
How do you get through the god damn door at the end of the hallway (very first thing you have to do) when the red bitch is coming at you like a goddamn freight train, I'm playing on android and the joystick controls are very slow in response which I know has already been pointed already. The red lady is so fast and I know the doors at the very end of the hallway but when I try to go through it she's already caught up to me. I really want to enjoy this game but it's not easy when the very first enemy is impossible to get away from
Do you get good framerates? At this point, I'm starting to suggest that I made something not framerate independent, as I just can't imagine how ppl are having trouble there.
I don't want to promise anything, but I'll try to look into it. I first have to test how much would turning off lighting effects would help, because that's pretty much all I can do. Sadly your phone is very weak on the performance side.
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What are the flowers for also love the new scenes
Nothing yet. Next version they will be usable
The use button made my battle with the blue dress cat girl much easier, plus the new black slime girl that hides in the dresser is dope, actually caught me by surprise. Also I would love to see more scenes like the bedroom one where you get caught by the (I'm assuming) aphrodisiac smoke.
This is amazing, keep up the good work! a couple more major updates and this can be better than FOBS!
Wow, that's the biggest compliment I've ever heard! Thank you! I'm planning another smoke scene as well later in the game :) I'm glad you liked it so far!
as of the Mac version, whenever i try to open it states "you do not have permission to open application "mac"." do i have to be a patreon supported to access the game? If not, is there a way to bypass this?
Nono, it's not because of that! This is apple's new update probably. Sadly, I have no idea how to solve this, especially, because I don't have a mac (and never will). All I can suggest is try googleing this problem and you might find a solution for it.
Speedran in 28 minutes and 16 seconds. Not great but it was still fun. Any challengers?
Someone actually completed the 1.1.4 version in 27 mins :D
I have a challenger
Beat V1.1.2 in 16 minutes and 31 seconds. This game is really fun to speedrun lol.
That's pretty nice, but dude do you have a video of it? :)
I'll redo it and take one lol About 17:21. Had to use a stop watch for it. Probably could've beaten my 16:31 but I was sloppy and messed up on the two bosses lol. Btw I'd like to thank you. Been a while since I enjoyed speedrunning a game.
Lol, good job man. Never thought ppl would actually try to speedrun the game. It's hard to compete though as long as there are two separate versions. For 1.1.4 the fastest I've seen is 17:42.
Hey man i got a question What does the roses do?
As of yet, nothing. Once you got the 2 roses in 1.1.2, you have completed everything for now that the public version has to offer.
What to do in case you get purple squares in the start menu in the android version?
Not sure, never heard that before. Maybe your phone does not have enough performance to run the game?
For PC Version 1.1.1, on the Clocks puzzle there seems to be a stalemate of sorts. No doors will open besides the top left where you get the key. The doors show a wrench icon (uploaded a couple images). Am I missing something ?
Nevermind, Just read that it's WIP on your Patreon. Fantastic stuff!
I can't control it on Android to save my life
This game is awesome, but for Android it's a little hard to interact with things, mainly entering doors in a panic. Will you add an interact or maybe enter door button in later editions?
Yes, in the next build there is a separate interact button.
IM STUCK! I do the start bit to the bedroom, then what? I can go down to the left and get a red book, but that's it, what do I do?
Since I'm not sure what you did already, I'm just gonna link a guide that was made for the game:
Man i can't run away like the Android controls don't work like the pc version is to press "v" to "give up" i can only decrease the red bar but i can't escape
What do i need to do to download this no android
Download, unzip, install apk on phone.
alguien que me ayuden no se cómo descomprimir el archivo
POS descarga RAR, para descomprimir el juego
ugh I hate my computer, it won't let me any of the games I download -_-
I don't get it. I'm immediately caught by the first enemy. Can't hide. Can't break free. Can't do a damn thing. Pressing space does nothing. The game needs to do a better job on instructing the player of WTF to do.
Edit: My bad on skimming past the FAQ. Though if getting past the first enemy is a Frequently Asked Question, there might be room for tweaking some things. My thought is that it's not great to explain various mechanics but then put the player up against a first enemy who is completely resistant to those mechanics. Without changing much, maybe just adding the text "Run!" a moment before that enemy shows up would reinforce the intent there.
Let me help you. If getting caught by her and hiding doesn't work, maybe don't do those things? There is also an FAQ on itch.
Check the FAQ dumbass
I really have no idea why people just not try to run after hiding doesn't work. IMO and I really don't mean to be rude or anything, but I think people who get stuck here are just not even trying to get through. I think they just try the same thing over and over again and then just give up because that obviously doesn't work. And by your reasoning, there are much more people who get through this part than those, who do not. I understand what you are saying, but this part is there to show the player that they are just prey and they should always try to run if they can. And no, I don't agree that if something is frequently asked then it must be changed.
what do i need to download to play this on android?
I don't quite understand the question. You download the .apk file, transfer it to your phone and install it there.
The file is a zip file not a APK so andriod does not recognize it
Well you need to unzip it. If you don't know how to Google it.
The game is interesting but a dedicated button to open doors on android is needed, the up function is difficult to use.
whenever i try installing it just tries to install and then completely gives up.
aka, it won't install and i don't know why
i checked my folders, it appears it just downloads the drain mansion folder, then one labeled ".itch" and nothing else is downloaded.
Please read the FAQ.
i found the issue. for whatever reason, trying to download drain mansion on windows in the app flat out doesn't work. you have to go to the website, download it there, extract, and then it has the executable in it.
Ohh sorry, I have never used the itch app, so I didn't know.
it's fine, a lot of people probably don't use it, but for ones who do, it'd be a good heads up to read this.
What do i need to do to play this. I already downloaded i
Hey there! I really enjoyed the game, but I just wanted to ask about if the performance issues will be or have been fixed for the public builds. I'm running the game on Android on a Samsung Note 9, and within 20 minutes, my FPS drops to 20, my battery is drained, and my phone is unbearably hot. Thanks again for the experience though! Good work.
That's strange, I have tried this game on weaker phones than yours and it was fine. Yeah in 1.1.2 I made some android specific optimizations and in 1.1.3 I made a low-performance mode, that turns off 2D lights, particle effects, and post-processing on the camera.
Então eu quero saber com qual aplicativo eu posso executar o jogo eu não faço ideia qual aplicativo eu uso no Android?
My phone heats up in the long run eventhough it has high end performance, hope it gets optimized, great game btw keep it up :)
What phone you have? Mine is high end and it has no problems with it. Also, Patreon version has a low-performance mode which helps with that but ofc it turns off effects.
Sorry I thought it's high end but my phone is an upper-mid ranged performance which is oppo reno3 pro with a Helio P95 processor and 8gb of RAM. I'll consider joining your patreon <3
What do you do after getting the red door key in the area after you get out of the dungeon?
u should go back to the corridor of the first girl, there should be a red door near the middle left
ps. u might want to save ur progress back in the beginning save point, trust me, u need it
I'm talking about the area with the sleep traps and grandfather clocks.
That's pretty much it for the public version for now
Ok Thank you
is there a way to exit a girl in gallery mode? im not sure which key i should press
Press down until she lets you go.
i think in done with the white hair girl, but i cant seem to find the tablet, im after the part you use a box to lock her out
It's just after that part, go right until there is a small room with 2 switches and ropes. The tablet is on the table.
but the white hair girl always spawn
Only if you step on the pressure plate
Oh Thx, I didn't notice that the second rope triggerred the pressure plate and was very confused for a moent. Thx for the help, and i really enjoy the game, waiting for the new updates
i think you should redo the controler for android because its mess up
It has already been done. Its just not public yet
okay thank you
U just can't play the game with those controls, I can't hide from the first girl, I try for an hour, I think it's impossible
You don't have to hide from her. In fact, you can't. Read the FAQ.
maybe a settings that can adjust the brightness in game? cuz it's too dark for me at times I can't see a thing
did the 1.1 have the last key ?
Yes it has 3 tablets
I am at the part where I have already activated the two of the three statues. I am stumped on finding the third stone tablet. What should I do?
First, make sure you are using the latest (V1.1) version. Then the third tablet will be behind the third door from the left where the red succubus is imprisoned. Each door there has 1 tablet.
Ok. Thanks.
BRUH i cant figure out the middle doors final trap room after the rope chase can someone tell me how to get the tablet and get out without getting trapped
You have to avoid the switches. You can just jump into the ropes as long as you have not activated the switches.
I'm having a problem with the controls, I can't interact with anything (ex. Doors) I even tried the gallery and nothing seems to work, I'm using android btw.
Press the joystick up
Oh I got used with dragging the joystick up instead of pressing. Thanks :D
Tengo un problema y es que es complicado usar el botón de escape ya que es el mismo del joystick, esto hace que no me pueda pasar el primer nivel ( versión Android)
this is fixed in 1.1.2
How do you get through the god damn door at the end of the hallway (very first thing you have to do) when the red bitch is coming at you like a goddamn freight train, I'm playing on android and the joystick controls are very slow in response which I know has already been pointed already. The red lady is so fast and I know the doors at the very end of the hallway but when I try to go through it she's already caught up to me. I really want to enjoy this game but it's not easy when the very first enemy is impossible to get away from
Do you get good framerates? At this point, I'm starting to suggest that I made something not framerate independent, as I just can't imagine how ppl are having trouble there.
Practice how open the door (just how fast you opened, just one little up with the joystick)
Also, I've made android controls better in 1.1.2 (separate use button, not joy up). That will help when it becomes public, I'm sure.
I love this game so much but I'm on android and dear god it's so laggy and the controls are so floaty. Any chance you'll fix this?
I might introduce a low performance mode along the way. Until then what phone are you using and what framerate are you getting?
I'm using a Galaxy J36V and the frame rate is 10 to 11. It may be because I'm on an older phone.
I don't want to promise anything, but I'll try to look into it. I first have to test how much would turning off lighting effects would help, because that's pretty much all I can do. Sadly your phone is very weak on the performance side.
yeah, I've got to get a new one. But thank you!
I experimented with a new low-performance mode and it boosted my FPS almost by 100%. So in V1.1.3 I'll introduce this new option :)
kredyn when are u gonna make a onlyfans???
U wanna see my butt that much?
yes :>
it won't let me install the new 1.1, it just goes like it's downloading it and then suddenly stops.
i already tried uninstalling, now it just goes as if it's installing, suddenly stops and says "install'.
Hmmm thats interesting what do u play on
i think i broke her
lol what did you do to her
I was pushing a crate got caught then managed to escaped.Now she just stuck there
Ahh I see now... Well, I mean she can't fly back :)
How do i get past the first chick!? even when i out spam her it doesn't let me go, also i dont have a key for the door...
This has been answered a ton of times before. Just run till the end of the corridor.